Heads up! Unless your kit is more than 5 years old, you probably don’t want this page. Visit www.letsstartcoding.com/start-coding and select your kit there to find the setup process and projects.

upload your first program! 

Follow the prompts in the red boxes below to upload some pre-written code to your board. Hit 'Got it!' when you complete each step. When the test upload is complete, you'll see a solid red light on your board. 

1) Plug in your Board To your COmputer


2) Tour the Code Editor and Try your First Upload

/* * Turn on the red light on Maker Board */ void setup() { pinMode(13, OUTPUT); // Set pin 13 (built-in red LED on Maker Board) as an output } void loop() { digitalWrite(13, HIGH); // Turn on pin 13 on Maker Board } // (c) 2018 Let's Start Coding. License: www.letsstartcoding.com/bsdlicense

3) Start the Coding Lessons and Challenges for your kit!


Did your upload fail? Here's what to try next:

1) Read common troubleshooting steps at www.letsstartcoding.com/first-upload

2) Rewatch the setup video for Chromebook, Mac, or Windows to ensure your screen looks like the video walkthrough. 

3) Send us an email at info@letsstartcoding.com or live-chat with us! Please share as much information as you can about what type of system you're using and what is happening on your screen.