The code in the editor below is ready to run! After you have plugged in Buzz and have a green power light, hit 'Upload Your Code' and after you see "Success!", Buzz should look like he does at the end of the video above.
/* Set random LED wing pixels to random color values */
#include "LEDStrip.h" //The LEDStrip.h library gives your code access to special functions exclusive to the LED Pixels
LEDStrip wings = LEDStrip(16, A4, A5); //Set up the strip by defining how many pixels (16) and where it's connected to Buzz (always A4 and A5)
void setup(){}
void loop() {
wings.setPixel(random(0,16),random(0,300)); //Set a random pixel including 0-15 to a random color including 0-299
wings.draw(); //send the setPixel data to the wings to be displayed
delay(1000); //Wait 1000 milliseconds before starting the loop again
// (c) 2023 Let's Start Coding. License:
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