3_11 Combination Message Revealer

Combination Message Revealer


The code in the editor below is ready to run! Plug Code Lab Mini in to your computer's USB port, make sure that your Code Lab Mini Screen Add-On (sold separately) is attached, and hit 'Upload Your Code!' to see what it does. Change something in the code, like a delay or pin number. Try to add something new to the program - it's yours to tinker with! You can always press the 'Restore' button to return the code to the working example.

If you haven't set up your Code Lab Mini Screen Add-On yet, visit Chapter 0 to watch a video showing you how to do that.

//Show a message on the screen only when 5 very specific condiitons are met #include "CLMiniScreen.h" //A code library enables new functions to be used with the screen CLMiniScreen lcd; //the library name is followed by the 'name' you give the LCD screen. Here it is 'lcd' void setup() { //Set up all of the buttons pinMode(4,INPUT_PULLUP); pinMode(5,INPUT_PULLUP); pinMode(6,INPUT_PULLUP); pinMode(7,INPUT_PULLUP); pinMode(A0,INPUT); //Turn Knob lcd.begin(); //.begin() 'sets up' the screen. You'll always need it when using the screen } void loop() { //if ALL of the following are true: Buttons 4 and 6 are pressed, Buttons 5 and 7 are unpressed, and the turn knob is >70% turned... if(digitalRead(4)==LOW && digitalRead(6)==LOW && digitalRead(5)==HIGH && digitalRead(7)==HIGH && analogRead(A0)>700){ lcd.setCursor(0,0); //Set the cursor to the upper-left corner of the screen lcd.print("Secret Message"); //Print the first half of the message lcd.setCursor(0,1); //Move the cursor to the left side (0) and second row (1) lcd.print("In Plain Sight!"); //Print the second half of the message } else{ //Otherwise, if ALL of the conditions of the 'if' aren't true... lcd.clear(); //clear anything that is displayed on the screen } } // (c) 2023 Let's Start Coding. License: www.letsstartcoding.com/bsdlicense

Walkthrough Video

Watch the video for a line-by-line explanation of how the example program works. Then you'll be ready to make some changes of your own!


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