All kinds of customers use Let’s Start Coding kits to help kids in their lives get started with computer programming at home, school, or camp. We asked some of them to tell us about their experiences
Lance has forged his own path through coding with stops along the way including video game creation, robotics, building custom PCs, and getting his start in hardware and electronics with a Let’s Start Coding kit. He’s now studying computer engineering at university.
Ken owns Carolina Kid Coders, an academy where he has taught coding skills to hundreds of kids over the years. He uses Let’s Start Coding alongside Scratch and robotics curricula.
Emily homeschools her two sons and wanted a STEM tool to supplement her liberal arts curriculum. Let’s Start Coding is a self-guided experience for her son, who describes it as both fun and educational.
Jessica teaches coding to six classes of high school students. She uses the Let’s Start Coding Ultimate Kits to challenge her students to come up with real projects and prototypes.
Terry built his first computer by hand in the 1980s. Recently, he wanted to find a way to pique his 11 year old grandson’s interest in technology and coding. The Ultimate Kit from Let’s Start Coding has been a fun way for them to spend time together creating!
Drew is a lifelong techie who has worked as a coder for decades. His 13-year-old daughter has shown an interest in coding, so they tried out a Code Car and an Ultimate Kit. Spoiler: she ends up teaching her entire class about coding!
Phyllis "Fig" Ferrell is an experienced computer teacher at a public elementary school. She started a Girls Who Code club for her students to get hands-on experience with coding in a more self-guided environment than the classroom.