Let's start with a working counter on your Maker Screen and try to understand all of the parts required to make that work. Upload the code to your Maker Screen so that you know it's working, then read carefully through the comments.
* In these lessons, you are going to build a digital alarm clock.
* The starting point for this goal is displaying the time
* on the screen.
//Include the Maker Screen library of code so that you can control it.
#include "MakerScreenXVI.h"
* A library is a collection of tools that are prepared in advance
* to make programming easier. There are libraries that let you
* interact with all kinds of sensors, actuators, and other
* electronics. This one is for the MakerScreen 16x2 LCD screen
* Once you have the library in the code, you need to be able to use
* the resources it provides. To do that, create what's called
* an Object. An object is a specific version of the kind of thing
* a library describes.
MakerScreenXVI lcd; //create an object named lcd for MakerScreenXVI
* In this case, 'MakerScreenXVI' is the type of thing we're going
* to use, and 'lcd' is the specific screen connected to our
* hardware. In coding terms 'lcd' is an instance of 'MakerScreenXVI'
// Create three variables for time: hours, minutes, and seconds
int seconds = 20;
int minutes = 40;
int hours = 10;
// Create a central 'timer' variable. It is a 'long' type.
long timer;
* This variable has a different 'type' from the other variables you
* have seen, which were 'int's- it is a 'long'. Different variables
* have different types so they can store different sorts of numbers.
* 'long' means that it can store very big numbers, which is
* important, because millis(), which you will use with timer, has
* very large numbers as outputs
* Arduino is designed with two specific places for code to run:
* void setup() and void loop(). Everything bewtween the { and the }
* of void setup() is run one time. It's where you put code that starts
* devices or initializes settings.
void setup() {
lcd.begin(); //.begin() method sets the screen up to accept commands
* Methods are how you use objects, they tell the instance to do
* something. In this case, telling the object named lcd to
* initialize itself and become ready to accept input.
/* The backlightOn() method turns on the LED embedded in the screen.
* Place two slashes (//) in front of this line to 'comment it out'.
* Re-upload the code and see what it looks like without backlight.
* This next line is something new. What you do is take 'timer' and
* set it to the value that millis() measures. Millis() is a
* function in arduino that tells you how many milliseconds
* have passed since the board was powered on. Set timer equal to it
* so you can measure the difference between millis() now and later.
timer = millis();
* After setup() is loop(). Code written between the { and } of
* void loop() executes over and over as long as the Maker Board is
* powered on. Most code you write will be in loop, as you usually want
* continuous operation. Loop can run millions of times per second!
void loop() {
* This next bit of code is another new one. It is what is called
* an 'if' block. What it does is check the expression contained
* in the parentheses after 'if' and finds out if it is true. In
* the below, the check is whether millis(), the current time in
* milliseconds since the board started, minus timer, the time
* when you last set that variable, is greater than 1000. Then,
* the code contained within the {} is executed only if the
* check was true.
if (millis() - timer >= 1000){
// If the time since the last check was more than a second,
// increase 'seconds'
seconds = seconds + 1;
// Reset the timer, to keep track of when the last
// second was added
timer = millis();
* The above chunk of code forms the basis of othe whole clock, by
* keeping track of seconds at the real time level.
* Next, check if enough seconds have passed that can mark
* a whole minute gone by. The >= symbol says to do what is in the
* {} if seconds is at or past 60.
if (seconds >= 60){
* If so, take off a minute's worth of seconds. You do this
* this way incase extra time has passed (if there are 61
* seconds, don't want to throw away that extra second!)
seconds = seconds - 60;
minutes = minutes + 1;
// Do the same sort of thing for minutes and hours that
// you did for seconds and minutes:
if (minutes >= 60){
minutes = minutes - 60; // Reduce 'minutes' by 60
hours = hours + 1; // Increase hours by 1
* Once you've taken care of counting hours, minutes, and seconds,
* you can put them on the display.
lcd.clear(); //Clear the display of previous information
lcd.print(hours); //write the value of the 'hours' variable
lcd.print(":"); //insert a colon
// For minutes less than 10, you want to show a 0 before the actual
// number, so use another if statement
if (minutes < 10){
lcd.print(minutes);//print the value of the 'minutes' variable
// Print the seconds. Second should include leading 0s like minutes
if (seconds < 10){
lcd.print(seconds);//print the value of the 'seconds' variable
* Then, once all that is on the screen, put in a short delay.
* You do this because the loop() code executes as fast as possible,
* so clearing and re-writing the time would look very flickery
* without a little time for the display to stay on
// 300 ms is 30% of a second, so it won't interfere with the
// clock, since the minimum check you make is for 1000 ms
* You saw many new things in this lesson:
* new variable types so that you can use millis(), and
* millis() itself! You learned about using 'if'
* statements to make checks and run specific code under certain
* circumstances, and about how the conditional statements used in
* if blocks work.
* This project looks like a very basic clock with its segments of
* seconds, minutes, and hours, but it's really a timer measuring its
* own run time.
* In the next lesson, you will alter this code so that it
* tracks hours properly like a clock, cycling through the 12 hour
* cycle with AM/PM.
// (c) 2017 Let's Start Coding. License: www.letsstartcoding.com/bsdlicense
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In summary, this program starts up the Maker Screen and creates a software version of seconds, minute, and hours with variables. Using the built in millis() timer, those variables update using the logic "If 60 seconds has passed, add a minute..." and so on.
All of the variables are printed to the screen each second, effectively giving you a timer.
There are likely a ton of new concepts in this code, but try not to feel overwhelmed! Our goal is to show you something that does something. There are three parallel logic paths in this program: seconds, minutes, and hours. If you think about them as three separate things in the program, each of which has to increase and be printed, it may help the program feel smaller.