This lesson adds a new feature to the game. You'll see the benefits of the millis() timer approach when you see how quickly your JumpMan reacts to a collision. All of the hard work in setting up the code structure in lessons 12 and 13 will pay off here. You'll see a function: a coding fundamental that has a big impact on how code is written in almost all languages.
* This lesson is about adding in a new feature to the game- an obstacle
* for JumpMan to jump over. This wall will become the basis for levels,
* points, lives, and the rest of the game.
#include "MakerScreenXVI.h"
MakerScreenXVI lcd;
byte run0[8] = { //legs in partial stride
byte run1[8] = { //legs in full stride
//A new graphic for the wall element using createChar
byte wall[8] = { //wall obstacle
//A graphic for JumpMan when he runs into the wall-a splatted character
byte crash[8] = { //crashed JumpMan
int position = 0; //holds the changing position of the cursor
bool runState = 0; //which running animation to draw (0 or 1).
int jumpState = 0; //0 ='pre-jump', 1 ='mid jump', 2='post jump'
bool buttonState = 0; //will equal 1 after press, 0 after jump completed
long animationTimer; //tracks animation (custom character) updates
long runTimer; //tracks position updates
void setup() {
lcd.createChar(0, run0); //partial stride character
lcd.createChar(1, run1); //full stride character
lcd.createChar(2, wall); //wall character in 'slot' 2 of custom characters
lcd.createChar(3, crash); //splatted character against the wall
pinMode(6,INPUT_PULLUP); //button to trigger jump
//Start both timers equal to millis() so that the difference between
//millis and the variables is 0.
animationTimer = millis();
runTimer = millis();
void loop() {
//Set the cursor depending on the state of the character
if (jumpState == 0){
else if (jumpState == 1){
else if (jumpState == 2){
lcd.write(runState);//draw the run0 or run1 animation
* After you've set the position for JumpMan and drawn
* him, set the cursor to the bottom right of the screen and
* draw the wall. Because of where it is positioned, you'll draw the
* wall thousands of times a second- as fast as Maker Board can.
lcd.setCursor(14,1); //cursor near right side, second row
lcd.write(2);//char in slot 2 is the wall
if ((digitalRead(6) == LOW)&&(jumpState == 0)){
buttonState = 1; //1 means a press is recorded
//Button is unpressed and a jump has been completed
if ((digitalRead(6) == HIGH)&&(jumpState == 2)){
jumpState = 0;
if (millis() - animationTimer > 300){//Update animation every 300 ms
runState = 1 - runState; //draw the next JumpMan animation
animationTimer = millis();
lcd.clear(); //clear the LCD to draw a new character
if (millis() - runTimer > 600){ //Every 600 milliseconds, run this...
position = position + 1; //move character one space to the right
if (position == 16){//reset position to 0 when you reach the screen's edge
position = 0;
//if button has been pressed and a jump hasn't been initiated...
if ((buttonState == 1)&&(jumpState == 0)){
jumpState = 1;
buttonState = 0; //reset button to 'unpressed' in the code
else if (jumpState == 1){//true if jumpState set to one in the last loop
jumpState = 2; //jump is marked as complete
* Create a check to see if JumpMan cleared the wall.
* If the 'position' = 14 (the location of the wall) and the
* jumpState is NOT 1 (mid-jump) then JumpMan has hit the wall.
* This 'if' statement introduces a new type of boolean operator:
* the 'not' operator. You use this operator as an exclamation in
* front of the equals sign when you want to test 'not equal to'.
* The logic feels reversed, but the 'if' statement is asking "is it
* true that jumpState is NOT equal to one?". If that is true AND the
* position variable equals 14, the 'if' statement executes.
if ((position == 14)&&(jumpState != 1)){
drawCrash(); //function for drawing a crash
* drawCrash() is a function- a block of code that always executes
* together. This function has one purpose: draw the crash event.
* Rather than writing every line of code here that makes that happen,
* you can create a function in your code and name it. Whenever you
* 'call the function', that group of code all executes together.
* Functions exist outside of void setup and void loop, but when you
* call them, the code still runs in the place where you called the
* function. When it's complete, the code loop continues from just
* below the function call. See this function around line 188.
runTimer = millis();
* When you make a function, you name it. This function is named drawCrash.
* Void is the type- it means the function does not produce any data, it
* just runs its code. You can also send information to the function with\
* arguments, like you do with methods. drawCrash doesn't need any
* arguments, it just needs to be told 'run'.
* Everything between the { and } of drawCrash is the function.
void drawCrash(){ //draw JumpMan crashed into a wall
lcd.clear(); //clear all the characters on the screen
lcd.setCursor(13,1);//set cursor next to the wall
lcd.write(3); //draw the 'crashed' icon from custom character slot 3
//Move the cursor to the location of the wall and draw it again.
lcd.setCursor(14,1); //wall location
lcd.write(2); //draw the wall
delay(1000); //show the crash for one second
// Reset the variables to put the JumpMan back at the starting point
position = 0;
buttonState = 0;
jumpState = 0;
* This lesson showed how to use a function to insert a block of code
* somewhere. Functions are useful when your code performs the same
* set of actions over and over in the program. Rather than write the same
* series of steps over and over, put all of the steps into a function
* and call the function when you need those steps to run.
* Functions are also useful for inserting complete blocks of code
* into pre-existing programs, as you did here. Adding in new blocks
* can be difficult when you have many of code lines to work
* through, and functions make it convenient to simplify your code.
* Try typing drawCrash(); just below the line position = position + 1.
* The game won't be very fun, but you'll see how you can activate a
* whole series of events with the function.
* This is starting to look like a real game- the character is moving
* around and can jump and there is an obstacle to avoid. Now that you
* have the basic machanics down, you can start adding in features like
* points and difficulty or improve the look of the game.
// (c) 2017 Let's Start Coding. License:
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Now that you have a function in your program, you're seeing major concepts in code organization as well as function. As your code grows, so does the importance of having good structure. Imagine organizing a small book shelf for yourself: not very difficult. Now imagine organizing a huge library used by thousands of people: you need to pay closer attention to the organization as well as the items.