Topics Covered:
This lesson represents one of the many subjective decisions that gets made in a software project. This lesson could have been lesson 4 or 6 without changing the final product. Keep that in mind: there are many paths to the same end goal.
* It's time to start making the character look more like a game character.
* As mentioned before, programming is a process of adding layers of
* features to get what you want. Thinking that way,you could fully
* develop the mechanisms for moving a character into the game and then
* later add on the graphical parts.
* It's best to approach everything in stages so that 'going back' to add
* in something doesn't force you to re-write all the other code which
* failed to account for some change.
* This is not a perfect process and planning a software project is hard!
* Pick a feature, break it into tiny bits, then solve each bit and see
* where the errors pop up.
* Here, you'll create a custom character for the screen which will look
* like a little person and learn how display it with LCD.write()
#include "MakerScreenXVI.h"
MakerScreenXVI lcd;
* To make a custom character, you need to be able to tell the screen
* what to draw. You do this with a new type of variable, an array.
* An array is a variable which holds more than one number in a list
* or grid.
* Below is an array named man. It contains bytes, so it's a 'byte' type
* array. The [8] means there are 8 bytes in the array. 8 is the number
* of pixels tall a custom character can be.
* The purpose of this variable is to set which pixels are 'on' and
* which should be 'off' in the custom character. LCD characters are 8X5
* pixel arrays.If you look at the 1s and 0s below, you will see that they
* fit that pattern. Any place there are 1s, the pixel will be dark.
* The 0b in front of the 0s and 1s tells the computer that the digits it
* is about to receive are binary. You always need those there for a
* custom character.
* To visualize how this works, you can play with this website:
byte man[8] = {
void setup() {
* Use the .createChar() method to tell the LCD to make a new
* character. There are 8 empty 'slots' on the LCD for custom
* characters, which will be indexed by a number 0-7.
lcd.createChar(0, man); //char named man in slot 0
* The first argument, 0, is the 'slot' number and you'll use '0' to
* refer to this custom character later. The second is the name of the
* array specifying the pixels for the character, as created above.
void loop() {
* Displaying a custom character is different from the previous text and
* variable displays. You tell the screen which custom graphic to draw,
* which you do with the 'slot' number assigned above around line 72
lcd.write(byte(0));//write custom char 0 (man) to the screen
* You are using a different method to put up the custom character:
* .write(), not .print(). The 'byte' wrapped around the 0 is an
* artifact of much deeper parts of the C++ coding language.
* Just note that it needs to be there.
delay(100);//Delay reduces flicker of the character
* In this lesson, you learned how to create a new character, so that
* you can make graphics for your game. Next, you'll see how to
* use custom characters to make the animation for the game.
* Before moving on, notice that the .write() command has the word 'byte' before
* the custom character's number. Without going too deep into things relating
* to libraries, try the program with just lcd.write(0), to see how it works
* without the word byte. This is unique to 0.
// (c) 2017 Let's Start Coding. License:
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Compile errors:
Serial port monitor:
Some of this program looks much more complicated than it actually is: The byte array is just a 'drawing' of the character you create. Don't forget that lcd.write() is different than lcd.print() - those methods sound similar but have very different effects.