Topics Covered:
If you've been playing your game along with the build, you've noticed that the game isn't all that exciting if the levels never change. Here you'll address that and again create a structure that helps you as you move forward in the lessons.
* Now that you have an obstacle to jump over, you can make the location
* of the wall a variable. By doing so, your game is more flexible and
* fun!
* It is common that programmers will start out with a basic, less
* complicated version of a feature, like a 'hard coded' wall, and then
* add more to it, like a little version of the process you're using to
* make this game. Building things one step at a time means you can focus
* on each part as you make it and solve problems one at a time.
#include "MakerScreenXVI.h"
MakerScreenXVI lcd;
byte run0[8] = { //legs in partial stride
byte run1[8] = {//legs in full stride
byte wall[8] = { //wall obstacle
byte crash[8] = { //crashed JumpMan
int position = 0; //holds the changing position of the cursor
bool runState = 0; //which running animation to draw (0 or 1).
int jumpState = 0; //0 ='pre-jump', 1 ='mid jump', 2='post jump'
bool buttonState = 0; //will equal 1 after press, 0 after jump completed
//Integer for the position of the wall
int wallPosition = 14; //wall can be placed from 0 to 15
long animationTimer; //tracks animation (custom character) updates
long runTimer; //tracks position updates
void setup() {
lcd.createChar(0, run0); //partial stride character
lcd.createChar(1, run1); //full stride character
lcd.createChar(2, wall); //wall character in 'slot' 2 of custom characters
lcd.createChar(3, crash); //splatted character against the wall
pinMode(6,INPUT_PULLUP); //button to trigger jump
//Start both timers equal to millis() so that the difference between
//millis and the variables is 0.
animationTimer = millis();
runTimer = millis();
void loop() {
//Set the cursor depending on the state of the character
if (jumpState == 0){
else if (jumpState == 1){
else if (jumpState == 2){
lcd.write(runState); //draw the run0 or run1 animation
* Draw the wall at its variable position. In the previous lesson,
* wallPosition was the number '14'. Now it's a variable that holds
* a range of numbers from 0 to 15.
lcd.write(2); //Draw wall
if ((digitalRead(6) == LOW)&&(jumpState == 0)){
buttonState = 1; //1 means a press is recorded
//Button is unpressed and a jump has been completed
if ((digitalRead(6) == HIGH)&&(jumpState == 2)){
jumpState = 0;
if (millis() - animationTimer > 300){//Update animation every 300 ms
runState = 1 - runState; //draw the next JumpMan animation
animationTimer = millis();
lcd.clear(); //clear the LCD to draw a new character
if (millis() - runTimer > 600){ //Every 600 milliseconds, run this...
position = position + 1; //move character one space to the right
if (position == 16){//reset position to 0 when you reach the screen's edge
position = 0;
//if button has been pressed and a jump hasn't been initiated...
if ((buttonState == 1)&&(jumpState == 0)){
jumpState = 1; //signal a jump
buttonState = 0; //reset button to 'unpressed' in the code
else if (jumpState == 1){//true if jumpState set to one in the last loop
jumpState = 2; //jump is marked as complete
* Again you will update the 'hard coded' wall position of 14 to the
* variable wallPosition. One of the strengths of variables is that
* they can be set at the top of the code so that you don't have to
* hunt through an entire program to find hard coded numbers that
* you want to change. It is easy to miss one change and get strange
* behavior.
if ((position == wallPosition)&&(jumpState != 1)){//check for a crash
runTimer = millis();
void drawCrash(){ //draw JumpMan crashed into a wall
* You also need to update the drawing to reflect the position.
* You can use wallPosition anywhere we want because you created
* it up top, above setup and loop. Variables like that are
* called global variables, and can be used in any function you
* create. You can also create variables inside functions, but
* they pop into existance for that function, and then disappear
* when you leave it.
* That is also why you can change position, buttonState, and
* jumpState in this function. If you create a variable inside
* loop() or setup(), or in a function, it only exists inside that
* function and can't be used outside of it.
* You use some existing variables in your function drawCrash(). This is
* possible only because you declared those variables outside of void setup
* and void loop.
* Variables that exist outside of all functions are called global scope
* variables and any function can use them.
* Variables that exist only inside a function are called local scope
* variables.
* Going in-depth with scope is beyond this program, but it's an important
* topic that you will learn more about as you write more code.
lcd.clear(); //clear all the characters on the screen
//Move JumpMan back one position from the wall he hit and draw him splatted
lcd.write(3); //draw the 'splatted' JumpMan
lcd.write(2); //draw the wall
// Reset the variables to put the JumpMan back at the starting point
position = 0;
buttonState = 0;
jumpState = 0;
* Now that you've made the placement of the wall variable, you can
* update the variable and the wall will move. Update the variable around
* line 70 and re upload the code to see the effect.
* The wall in the last lesson was 'hard coded': the execution of the code is
* very specific and non-adaptive. It may be simpler when you code it,
* but changing it is difficult.
* Try cutting the "int position = 0;" line and pasting it inside the void
* loop() anywhere between the first { and last }. Try to upload your code.
* You will see that the computer encounters an error when the function tries
* to use the position variable.
//(c) 2017 Let's Start Coding. License:
Heads up! You need our Chrome App to run this code.
Compile errors:
Serial port monitor:
In this 'conversion' lesson, you are increasing the flexibility of your code with a variable. It took high attention to detail to hunt down every place where the number needed to be replaced!